Monday 25 August 2014


Okay, kind of sick of grindr dudes instigating chat without any intention of hooking up, wanting to trade photos and then jack off rather than meet up. That's fucked. That's grindr becoming an extension of a guy's porn searches, with the added excitation of 'live chat', and what's more a free one. Cheap cunts. 
Also, had a guy start an unsettlingly lewd chat with me. He firstly asked me if I was 'pervy bro?', to which I nervously replied 'yeah, sure. What'd you have in mind?', to which he replied 'what kinda porn are you into?'. I thought maybe he was the kind that can't get off unless there's porn playing in the background, and not having any particular or extraordinary preferences I replied with something to the effect of 'meh, the usual'. He proceeded to inform me of his preferences in an exactly ordered list; young, zoo and incest. Wtf?
He then asked me if I was into these or something similar. That's when I smelt cop. 
I ignored the cringe inducing mention of young and incest and asked if zoo was anything like furries. 
If unfamiliar with furries, think back to the very last scene of Jonathan Glazer's Sexy Beast, only rendered in the gross exaggerations of hentai. If unfamiliar with Sexy Beast, just think Goku from DragonBall Z, naked with a striped pelt and cat ears, fucking a similarly mammalian hominid of either gender. 
It's nothing I'm into, I just know it's a thing. A confounding inexplicable thing. 
He said no, but that 'furries would be hot with you bro'. What the fuck did he mean by that? I know I'm bearded in my profile pic, and there's visible chest hair (a rarity on anyone under fifty advertising on this thing, is it a crime?), but I couldn't help but be slightly sickened by someone re-imagining me as an animal hybrid, which they'd then fuck! 
I quickly blocked the cunt and his obviously phoney profile picture. I say so because anyone as banging as that shouldn't have to resort to fuckin' furries! However grindr did give me his location which was a fair distance from the CBD. Perhaps a closeted labourer in a small town somewhere, resorting to obscurer-taboo stuff to satisfy himself in a roundabout way, whereas the vanilla sex with guys he dreams of would be too earth-shattering? Or is that one of my own fantasies?
I guess I'm definitely prejudiced against any Internet fetish that no longer resembles actual erotic practices between human beings. 
Maybe every fetish is a gross displacement of the erotic, an untimely disruption of the libido's 'natural' currents, which I'll be presumptuous enough to suggest would otherwise always point thirstily to human beings. Is this an unfair judgement on any kind of object-fetish being aberrant? 
Calling something divergent isn't the same as labelling it wrong, merely pointing out it's remove from majority trends. 
Whatever, each to his own I suppose, but I'd personally rather fuck a fit twenty-something than be mummified and catheterised (by a furry). 

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