Does grindr offer a space in which the hyperreality of pornographic material and its singularly sexualised players can be played out by its audience? Is it a place where members exchange varied fantasy with the opportunity to conjointly act these out, or is it just the one fetishised mode being actualised?; namely the hook-up, an organic interest-based commitment to rough-n-ready encounters with strangers.
Is there contact with more specialised kink communities on grindr? Is that something I'm interested in?
And if grindr is solely committed to the hook-up (individual cases of prolonged involvement being exceptions), then in the conceivably liberating role of strangers, how many of us indulge in practices we wouldn't dare in any other context? Furthermore (because this rhetorical tirade isn't long enough), how many of these instances have been directly informed by pornography?
Firstly, I'm a biased fan of pornography.
Secondly, I've personally utilised grindr (and most hook-ups for that matter) in such a way and continue to do so. From this could we conjecture a causal link between a steady consumption of pornographic material and frequent grindr usage? (speaking only for myself).
All I know is I go to open grindr with the same erotic anticipation as when I'm surfing for porn, which even without a hookup is sometimes gratification enough. Especially if someone's sent me pics.
This isn't a diagnostic, I'm not looking to pathologize mine or anyone else's behaviours; merely speculating there's a mimetic relationship between porn-fed fantasy and media such as grindr that facilitate the casual encounter, like one is an extension of the other.
Beyond this, pornography as a whole seems to proffer a worldview skewed of sense, reductively consisting of always hot and ready sexual encounters. It's like consumerism's impossible arrival point, a call to absolute pleasure-seeking in a confounding world, all efforts to reconcile the subject constructively in affirmative action and engagement eclipsed by a sublatory (disempowering?) need to fuck.
Here 'fuck' could be substituted for any habit-forming substance or 'thing'. The consumerist environments we move through, both on and offline, are calibrated to make addicts of us. That doesn't make any substance or behaviour inherently bad (though I'm hard pushed to defend heroin), it just means we need to examine our relationship with food, sex etcetera. Nothing short of constant vigilance (this coming from a pretty heavy smoker).
I think I feel that's what I'm doing with this blog, engaging grindr with a prophylactic. Just in case.
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